Friday, June 01, 2007

Been a while...

Well I seem to not be able to get my thoughts or workouts on here weekly like I thought I should. Anyway, I am doing great. I had an awesome Memorial Day with friends and family. Just got sunburned and relaxed. Can't beat that with a stick...

Training has been going good. I think I have the mental stability to move forward with what I want to do. HA HA Seriously, I have found some really great late season races that I am going to sign up for and see what happens. I updated my list -------> over there so if anyone wants to join me there you go!

Ohh yea... I mentioned some big news would be coming out about my future triathlon life... Well it is about time to share. Maybe next week when there is a press release...

Take it easy!

1 comment:

Steve said...

There you are!

I'm waiting not-so-patiently for the news...

Lets see, after the relaxing Half-Iron this year, I'm going to guess you will do Loo-EE-Veal IM in 2008?