Thursday, April 30, 2009


So does anyone pay attention to anyone at 5AM in the morning at the gym?  I am not sure.  Had a good 4 mile tempo before the big race this weekend.  Anyway, my towel fell off the treadmill in the middle of the run.  2 People I KNOW saw it and walked by and the lady, aka Chatty Cathy, that works at the gym was discussing how hard she works out everyday with a lady obviously trying to but CC just didn't get the clue.

Anyway, I am getting ready for the NC Half-marathon this weekend.  Should be fun but I am sure to be in pain since the mileage was down for some crucial weeks of training, just due to True baby being sick and all.  I think I can hit the tempo but I am sure to get to about mile 10 or 11 and start to feel the effects of the lack of training.

I do have a question... Is it crazy for me to be day dreaming about doing another Ironman?  I mean I am constantly thinking about going long and hammering out a solid time.  I am thinking Ironman Arizona would be awesome to do.  I don't know just day dreaming...

1 comment:

Steve said...

Yes you are crazy, unless you start the process of securing a 365 day kitchen pass.