Monday, June 11, 2007

What is different now...

I can remember when I weighed 260 and was just comfortable with being Big and Beautiful. I would eat out all the time and would have a vegetable about once a month and thought asking for no mayo on my sandwich would help me maintain my weight. I also thought I wasn't obese (legally) or "that" overweight. It is interesting to think that I could eat an appetizer of mozzarella sticks, an order of wings or a Buffalo Chicken sandwich, with a basket of fries, and a few sodas and then and go get dessert. That is where I began this crazy triathlon mess.

One Day a guy at work, that same size as me, said he was tired of being as big as he was. I asked him what was he going to do about it. I suggested we have a little fun with it and make it a competition. We called it FBA, Fat Bastard Association, and the winner had to have lost 20% of his body weight. 20% you ask... Yes because for two 6'3" guys that weighed at 260 and wanted to be around 200 lbs that was 20%. I have never in my adult life been under 200lbs. Isn't that crazy! I mean I have always just been a big guy and most of my friends are nice enough to say, you don't look that fat except for those man boobs and that belly you sport when you wear those tight shirts. I regress, So the FBA started out and we had a few other guys join in. The first to drop out was a guy that thought he would win by starving himself for a week and then would just eat right after the starvation period kick started the weight loss. Yea he was going nuts around Tuesday of that week and then by Friday had to eat something or he was going to faint. I do have to give him the fact that he did drop like 10 pounds that first week but he couldn't make the decision to stick with anything. The next guys just couldn't stick with anything, and then me and the original guy actually lost weight and stayed there, but the winner dropped weight like a mad man. He was not eating properly but he was at least eating nothing but veggies and some meat but as soon as he started with bread again all the weight just came back. During this whole time I finished 2nd by running and I just fell in love with running. I couldn't believe how much I really enjoyed it. So I started to do 5k's and 10k's and then someone mentioned triathlons. I was like that is doable. Let's see what we got.

Well an even more long story short, here I am 6 years later 215 pounds and unsatisfied with where I am at. This is usual for me as you may have noticed from previous posts. I am not content with much. I seemingly need to be doing the next big thing. I mean I finished a freakin' Ironman last year. Anyway, I have held 215 for the past couple of years and I am tired of it so some guys in my Bible Study group have started the FBS, Fat Boy's of Summer, and the plan is to see how much weight we can lose over the summer. We will weigh in every Sunday night. I am looking to get to 200lbs by the end of summer. It is not an impossible feat but something that will be a big challenge for me. Bigger then the Ironman, in my mind anyway...

So what is different now... Well I love running and just being outdoors, I enjoy competition, and I have a 6:30 mile for a 5K from an 8 min mile. More importantly, I have married the woman of my dreams and we have an awesome little guy 1 year old that we are trying to tame. Anyway, peace out and have an awesome week!

1 comment:

Bullet said...

Hey man, great story. It's really cool to see how you progressed. I haven't had to fight with weight like you, but we all have our struggles. Keep fighting and keep loving what you're doing.