Tuesday, August 28, 2007


It seems that my dial up doesn't like the Blogger setup and usually takes forever but today it just worked. So I decided to post.

Well this weekend was the IM Louisville. Seems to be a hard race due to the temperatures and ever rolling hills. Should make for an interesting race after I decide to do in 09! OHH YEA! Meet a guy at the Bandits Tri, Kyle Moody, that did it and he finished so congrats to him. It is just an accomplishment to finish so well done. I hope to read and get in touch with more people that did that race to see what they think.

Seems that I have been feeling really well and have decided to integrate Yoga into my training. Man does that stuff really work. Stretches and strengthens muscles. It is an amazing workout if you haven't done that before. The lady that teaches the class does an excellent job. Anyway, running has been going well and lifting and relaxing has been good as well.

On the other front, I have two job offers in the works, one local the other moving from Greenville,SC, which will be hard to do. Anyway, things are moving along there. Anyway just wanted to write something up while it worked. Take care and have a good week.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Congrats on the job offers, you deserve it.

Now where are those race photo's you promised fatboy? (trying to get you angry so you can drag me to a 5K PR in 6 weeks)