Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Running by running event...

I have known this about myself but it seems it takes an event to get me going and ready to get out the door to excercise. I really was in a funk until I signed up for an event and just in the last week and a half I have been running more consistent and with a purpose. I love it. This is why I do this.

Honda has been a great company to work for so far. I haven't had that much in challenging work but there are a ton of smart people here that I am learning from. Need to go but I hope you guys are doing well.

New baby in less the 7 weeks! CRAZY!!!!!!!! I am excited to see our family grow and hopefully my wife can stay unpregnant for a while this time!!!

1 comment:

Luke and Jude said...

Hey Ashley-- My email is bbrower3@gmail.com. I know what you mean about the unpregnant part. Luke and Jude are 20mon. apart.--Blaine