So I talked (twisted arms of) some of my friends into doing this local 5K Turkey Trot called the Greensboro Gobbler. I wasn't really expecting much since I had run a total of about 6 or 7 times consistently but I did have a really good 3 mile run one morning, which made me think I could maintain a good time and not completely disgrace the Ironman I used to be! Anywho...

My friends (Let's call them "Beauty and the Flying Jelly"!) showed up to our house ready to go. We pounded a bagel and I drank my 4 cups of prerace coffee and we were on our way to the Gobbler. On the way we discussed our game plan of knocking down small children and goosing the old ladies that were in our way. The Flying Jelly decided that this was not a good plan because he is a firefighter and he would be compelled to help therefore NEVER finishing the race. Finally, we were ready to start and we were warming up and peeing in the trees and getting ready to go we lined up and put ourselves in a good start position. THE ONLY PROBLEM WITH THIS IS... the old ladies and the people out there with their GPS watches that really don't "care" about their times but want to be really annoying start to pack in front of us. I had a lady in front of me that had here hand held water jug with her for a 5K... A 5K FOLKS! Give me a break and get to the end of the line. ALSO an older lady (NOTE: I REALLY DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH OLDER LADIES I LOVE THEM! THEY COOK REALLY WELL AND ARE FULL OF WISDOM!) that I noticed in front of me, was wearing her aerobics outfit! No problem there but she immediately started walking! UGHHHH! GET OUT OF THE WAY! I am sure there were some old men or middle aged people doing the same so I would say the same thing to them! MOVE IT OR LOSE IT!
OK now that I got through that, the race course was awesome. There were a lot of people out there for a narrow road but it turned out great by the first turn. I loved this course, even if it was a two lap course. It was down hill or flat for the first half of the lap and then up hill and rolling for the second half. My kind of course.
So I start out running off to the side and begin to pass as many people as I could then get back on the road and start to pace myself. I felt good and I had a great rhythm going. See the mile marker, which is marked by a clock! I shake my head a couple of times and rub my eyes (Why you ask?). Well I was passing the clock at 6:00 even and it took me :16 secs to get to the starting line so I ran a 5:44 first mile! First thought was I AM SCREWED FOR THE REST OF THE RACE and second thought was WATCH OUT FOR THE SQUIRREL BECAUSE I AM FLYING!
Anyway, second mile came to a 6:30 pace and I thought to myself I have a sub 20 min race wrapped up like my junk in a speedo! Well then I hit the second half hills and fell off the mark and turned in a 20:48 time, which my watch read 20:32. I thought that was a great run for someone that hasn't been doing much. I really needed that run and I plan on doing a couple more just to stay fit this winter.
News on the Family front:
We have found a rental house here in Greensboro, NC near the Guilford College campus. We don't plan on staying here long but we do need to have a steady place for the new baby and T-Man and The wife as we all go through this transition.
Take care and PEACE OUT!
Despite tanking in the last mile, 20:32 is AWESOME when you consider the minimal milege you've put up this fall. Muscle memory really works!
hey good article, you had me with a smile most of the time while I was reading.
keep up the good work!
Fabian F.
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